Annie Blampied Interfaith Minister
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Interfaith Minister, Annie Blampied is a highly experienced and gifted celebrant. Whatever your needs, a wedding ceremony, a blessing and naming for a baby or child, a funeral, a house blessing, or any other rite of passage, she will be there for you, with her heart-felt style, clear and deep insights, humour and grace! She also offers one to one spiritual counselling, or mentoring for anyone who longs for inner peace and happiness; or who is so tired of their story that they truly want to let it go.

Her spiritual companionship will give you insights, inner strength and courage to bring to the light whatever seems to be the problem, and open to another way. She is also able to offer supervision to other therapists and counsellors, and spiritual direction to anyone wanting support and guidance on their spiritual path. Annie is a member of FRIM - Forest Row Interfaith Ministers.

This is a ministry in Forest Row that recognises the Light in all Beings and joins with people of any faith, (or no faith) to open to Truth and Inner Peace, through joyful and loving activities.
I see wedding ceremonies and civil partnerships as festivals of Love, and it is a great joy for me to accompany a couple on the journey that leads to their marriage ceremony.
I am happy to meet with a prospective couple free of charge to explore the possibility of working together.
Finding a date early on, and making sure I am available is key!
Answering a questionnaire will provide a wonderful platform for me to get to know you and help you get clearer about your relationship and wishes in getting married.
Since my work is to serve the spiritual needs of all people, whatever their faith or beliefs, I am able to create a very personal service for someone who has died, and their loved ones.
You conducted it flawlessly with such grace and dignity and offered kind and gentle support to those who were somewhat overcome with emotion.
My aim is to create a deeply loving atmosphere where everyone feels included and held in their mourning and celebration of the one who has died.
Of course, I cannot say for sure what happens when we die, but I am certain that we are pure Spirit, and that death is the release of the physical form, simply like throwing off old clothing that we have outworn.
The birth of a baby is a joyous event in the life of a family.
And a blessing and naming ceremony is an opportunity for family and friends to gather together to give thanks and welcome the child into their hearts and lives.
It is a time to offer blessings to the baby and receive the gift of this new life.
A Christening is the specific welcoming of a baby or child into the Christian Church.
When the child has become a teenager they can then choose to be confirmed in their Christian faith.
A baby naming and blessing ceremony does not preclude a Christening.
YOU ARE NOT ALONE ANYMORE ~ I will join with you in the intention to open to the truth of who we are as wholly loved, lovable, and loving.
Do you feel you have tried everything to get well, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually?
Do you feel exhausted by all your efforts and striving?
Are you so tired of your story that you feel ready to let it go?
Would you like to wake up in the morning, feeling joyously alive and looking forward to the gifts of the day?
Through spiritual counselling I offer support and presence in the journey that has no distance, where Self Acceptance replaces "self improvement".
I am also available to give Supervision, same rates and conditions as for spiritual counselling.
It is all about learning to see and listen and speak with the eyes, ears and mouth of the Inner Teacher, that part of our mind that is not just aligned, but One, with God/Truth.
Resistance to Supervision is a truthful response if Supervision is understood to be anything to do with judgement.
Supervision is all about learning to see past the ego's need to judge.
Incidentally, non-judgement, is just the flip side of judgement, I am still having the judgement I am not judging about!
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