Self Heal Systems
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Self Heal Systems
Counselling can help you in times of distress to work through things and feel better, manage your life and relationships, and make decisions. I draw on a lifetime of training, skills and knowledge with a holistic approach in a way which is tuned to, and unique for, each individual person that I am working with. Have a look around the website and feel free to contact me to discuss anything.

I am happy to answer any questions that you may have and to help you decide if counselling is right for you and if you wish to work with me.
Occasionally in our lives we may need some help to sort out a problem or difficulty, or we may experience feelings that concern us.
Counselling can help you to make some sense of what is happening to you, as well as supporting you through difficult periods of your life.
Everything which takes place within the counselling setting is treated with respect.
Confidentiality is discussed at the outset and your consent would be sought for any change in the original agreement.
A breach of confidentiality would only occur under exceptional circumstances if an individual were clearly a danger to themselves or others.
What is Emotional Freedom Technique - EFT?
EFT is a short, easily learned and applied process for making positive change in our lives.
EFT is based on the premise that the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system.
It is a method which melds beautifully with my integrative humanistic approach, as and when it is appropriate for each individual, keeping in mind at all times the client's wishes.
The process itself is a combination of verbal statements along with the stimulation, by tapping, of specific energetic points on the body (points also used in acupuncture).
Sometimes something happens or comes along which causes us to reflect on things and maybe make changes.
These changes may embrace taking more care of your health and maybe managing your weight.
Perhaps you have tried to lose weight before, unsuccessfully, or maybe you have lost it only to put it straight back on again.
Obesity is now reaching epidemic proportions in the western world.
There are estimated to be 9 million obese people in the UK and the numbers are growing.
Some studies indicate that the rate of increase in the UK over several years now means that 25% of women and 24% of men are obese and that a further 35% of women and 44% of men are overweight.
Give your body the appropriate raw materials through what you eat and by supplementing your diet with nutritional supplements, so that you can help to prevent ill health and enable your body to heal itself.
Although I have always known this, it was very clearly brought home to me in the early 80's when I was researching the possible causes of, and potential natural solutions, to my eldest son's eczema.
It is a 'tall order' to include all our body's mineral requirements in our diets, even when paying close attention to it.
Many people recognize or pay lip service to 'that they are what they eat'.
That is, what they ingest affects their health today and their future risk for degenerative diseases.
In addition many people ignore the profound effects that food can have on mood, intellect and energy levels.
In fact, not eating right and missing out on vital nutrients, can affect your memory, mood and vitality long before it will affect your heart and bones.
It takes years of a poor diet to affect you physically however what you eat this morning, or don't eat, could affect how you feel during the afternoon.
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