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I offer an initial consultation of three sessions where we can explore together the issue on your life and after the consultation normally I offer a therapy from two to five times per week. For adolescents and children I see at the same time the parents as couple and some times the family. I am an experienced Psychologist and Psychotherapist psychoanalytic oriented, for adults and children with over 15 year of experience gained in both the Public (NHS) and in private practice.

I have also practiced as a Child Psychotherapist in Italy and received extensive training in both Rome and London. I have an office in Italy Puglia connected with my office in East London UK. Candidate Psychoanalyst at the IIPT International Institute for Psychoanalytic Training Washington DC and candidate Child analyst at International Psychotherapy Institute IPI.

Chartered Psychologist Member of British Psychological Society division of Clinical Psychology. The therapy is a space where you can express yourself and be able to modify your internal world, expand the mind and be able to be creative.
What I am presenting is something completely new in the tele-therapy world of analysis and in describing that, I think, the best is convey you how I got there.
The main difference is that the patient is connecting to my office in London from my.
I spent last two years with a child in therapy for him be able to build his own house and to play with it.
Also he built a car inside himself that allows him to leave the house and go around and move around.
What these two elements represent in.
Psychoanalysis is the science of development of human beings from an individual point of view and from a society point of view (phylogenesis and ontogenesis).
For this purpose the discovery of it proceed in the opposite way of the development of individuals and society.
Freud discovered the Oedipus complex that appear at the age of 5 years old (the dissolution) and coincides with the lost of the teeth milk.
Klein went even further at the stage of primal scene, but her mistake was to adopt the same idea of Freud and to retro dated the Oedipus complex.
I spent last two years with a child in therapy for him be able to build his own house and to play with it.
Also he built a car inside himself that allows him to leave the house and go around and move around.
What these two elements represent in his mind?
The house is the place where to be and feeling safe and where he can go to shelter himself, Winnicott calls it the pure female element.
The car is the movement from the house to explore the outside world, it is linked with the walking and talking, it is the pure male element.
Freud made some further remarks on the destructive instinct in a letter written shortly after this paper to Princess Marie Bonaparte.
An extract from it appears in the Editor's Introduction to Civilization and its Discontents.
I came up with this title of my paper looking a sign on the street here that indicates that the road does not have exit, and we find ourselves a lot of time in working with patients that experience a therapeutic negative reaction or a general acting out.
The impasse also is in our personal and professional development, in our personal analysis and in the supervision of clinical cases.
Recently I have been thinking about words.
For example the word mortgage, for an english speaker is just a word, for me is a composite word by mort and gage, and the meaning of mort id dead in italain.
I'll give you another example, ball in italian is palla and also it is a composite word by pa, hat is the sound of hitting the ball and la (there) where the ball goes.
At the beginning of life there is not any solid food, just liquid and the baby does not have any tooth.
The emotion that I associate with this state of life is sadness and normally it is express by tiers.
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