Leading Hypnotherapy Centre UK
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Leading Hypnotherapy Centre UK
Hypnotherapy is often referred to as an altered state of trance. It is a perfectly natural state which occurs somewhere between being fully awake and asleep. It is a trusted and proven therapy in resolving emotional health problems. The hypnotherapist provides a setting of safety, confidentiality, acceptance that allows a client to explore their issue more fully.

Research over 40 years has shown that hypnotherapy can help resolve many emotional help issues. Like anxiety, stress, fear, anger and panic attacks. Research has shown hypnotherapy can be used to help in dealing with things such as addiction, weight loss and stop smoking. It provides the correct mental and emotional health tools and insights to help a person manage their mental and emotional well being better.

Emotional health issues include such Issues as anxiety, anger, grief, stress and addiction. Your counsellor will also help you develop the right strategies to address and remedy these difficulties. This is the 1st and gentle step to help a couple or family members resolve their differences.
Personally trained on a one -to- one basis with the late & most respected of clinical hypnotherapist Bob Neill, Bob Neill was one of the forefathers of hypnotherapy as we know it today and had studied, developed and practised hypnotherapy since the 1950s up until his death in his 80s in 2006.
Bob was also a founder member of the Hypnotherapy Practitioners Association.
Kate has trained extensively in hypnotherapy/psychotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming and holds a diploma in Therapeutic Hypnosis and Psychotherapy Dip.
Substance abuse is defined as a pattern of harmful use of any substance for mood-altering purposes.
This can include alcohol and other drugs (illegal or legal) as well as some substances that are not drugs at all.
Abuse can result because you are using a substance in a way that is not intended to be used or recommended or because you are using more than prescribed.
Illegal drugs can do more than just alter your mood.
They can cloud your judgement, distort your perceptions, and alter your reaction times, all of which can put you in danger of accident and injury.
Anxiety disorders are much more than just nervousness and worrying.
Many people with these disorders understand that their thoughts and feeling become irrational, but they still cannot stop them.
It's normal to feel a higher level or to get a little anxious at times.
Maybe when preparing for a special event or exam or when entering into unfamiliar situations, such as a new job.
Often a certain amount of stress is needed for you to perform well and do your best.
If feelings grow to an excessive level and are not channelled correctly, they can become a huge problem.
The goal of Anger Management (also referred to as anger counselling) is to reduce both your emotional feelings and the physiological arousal that anger causes.
You can't get rid of, or avoid, the things or the people that enrage you, nor can you change them, but you can learn to control your reactions.
At Wise Blue Owl Therapy Centre therapists, Alan Piper and Kate Hudson-Hall both have over 20 years' experience of working with clients with anger.
We have found that the most beneficial therapies to free our clients of anger are, anger management, psychotherapy and hypnotherapy.
Improve Self Confidence - When our self-confidence is healthy, we tend to feel good about ourselves and have a positive outlook on life in general.
A high self-esteem gives us the courage and strength to deal with the ups and downs in life.
Eliminates negative thoughts that keep you stuck.
Hypnotherapists focus on guided imagery and future pacing to help their clients see themselves as having already achieved their outcome, and ease the subconscious into the idea that it's already happened.
Alan Piper and Kate Hudson-Hall both have over 20 years' experience of working with clients with low self-confidence issues.
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