Julia Young Counselling Service
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Julia Young Counselling Service
The art of living is to experience what is happening in this moment and trust that we are already on our path to health. Sometimes however what we are going through can be so painful and distressing that it is hard to believe any resolution can be found to our problems - we can start to feel it's all hopeless. At these times we need a skilled helper who can shine a light into our darkness enabling us to explore choices for how we may wish to change our life script.

Please contact me so that we can discuss the issues affecting you and whether you might like to try counselling.
Depression can be a powerful emotion where we seem to be forever bursting into tears or expressing anger and unable to understand why.
At these times clients can sometimes ask 'why do I do the things I do; react without thinking?
Why is it I seem so at the mercy of my emotions or unable to stand up for myself?
Why am I so vulnerable and unable to take my true place in society as a strong, free individual whose thoughts and beliefs matter?'
Tears are a valuable part of our emotional makeup, they can however be rejected as inappropriate and unhelpful, along with other strong emotions such as anger, hate, despair or perhaps our sexuality.
Sometimes when something distressing or traumatic has happened we can push away those memories that most disturb or frighten us; it can be like we have shut them behind a door.
The view is that as long as that door remains shut we will never have to feel that way again or remember what has happened - this is a very reasonable response to unpleasant experiences.
However what can happen is that shut away with those memories may be important information that can inform future actions.
At times clients come to me saying how they feel depressed or unhappy but they cannot think why because life is generally quite good.
Difficulty sleeping can be very distressing, paticularly if you are only able to get two or three hours sleep a night and it may be surprising to note that sleep difficulties are incredibly common.
We may feel that the fact it happens in the middle of the night can make it almost impossible to deal with, yet there are some approaches that can help with tackling seep difficulties.
Firstly ensure that your bed is reserved for sleeping, or perhaps making love.
Ensure that as you prepare yourself to sleep the language you use is only about sleeping - by the way telling ourselves we are going to have another sleepless night informs our subconscious to do just that, so keep your language positive about going to bed to sleep.
Julia has also had articles published in various psychotherapy magazines on issues around mental health labels and emotional wellbeing.
Go to the Assembly website to hear a podcast of the issues discussed.
For some clients reflexology can provide a beneficial experience, particularly where issues of isolation and loneliness are concerned.
All of us will have memories from the past, some good, some not so good.
Those memories can be like the rings in a tree that show the trees experiences of droughts and floods over time, and indicate the age of the tree.
We may wish that when that difficult time is over they would go, yet somehow the memories are often not forgotten - just stored away.
When we have experienced trauma or challenging past memories, both our mind and body can act like hoovers sucking up these experiences and replaying them when new challenges present themselves.
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