Lucinda Brown Douglas
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Welcome to my website where you can find information on the psychotherapy I offer and other things you may wish to know about me, my practice, my hours and my fees. After over 30 years facilitating workshops, I decided to concentrate on working with individuals. If you want to see what I offer now one to one regarding assertiveness and dealing with difficult behaviour, the outline of my courses will give you an idea.

I am based in the South Side of Glasgow, with easy access to public transport links and car parking availability.
I am a qualified Psychodrama/ Psychotherapist trained at the Holwell Centre in Devon.
From 1992- 1995 I trained in Transpersonal Psychotherapy at Wellspring Edinburgh.
I have a group therapy qualification from the Institute of Group Analysis in London and a certificate in supervision from the Edinburgh Gestalt Institute.
I have had extensive experience as a psychotherapist, clinical supervisor and training consultant.
I have been in the world of therapy for over 30 years and run a thriving practice in the South side of Glasgow.
This course is designed for those who deal with challenging behaviour in the workplace.
We look at four different types of behaviour which are easily recognisable in oneself and in others, and then at another four which are all different types of manipulation.
The course will help delegates increase their self-awareness and will encourage them to change their own behaviour in order to change that of others.
The course is group centred and deals with, in confidence, issues which the group members bring with them.
Assertive people enjoy their lives and launch themselves into relationships which bring them happiness, and allow for their creative spirit to flourish.
The assertive person finds a way of having their needs met without hurting others, can say no easily and understands what their needs are.
They live their lives to the full, and behave in a responsible way.
They recognise when passive behaviour may be the only way forward but use that consciously rather than being submissive.
Assertiveness becomes a way of life and being, rather than just a way of speaking to get needs met.
This successful course is structured around dealing with difficult behaviour.
The workshop will begin with an overview of four main types of behaviour; participants will be given an exercise to help them recognise the characteristics and effects of these behaviours and hopefully identify parts of themselves and others.
Group members will receive a skills training through brief lectures, exercises and role play.
Techniques will be offered such as "I" statements, building rapport and reading body language.
This course is designed for those who wish to train others to do this for themselves, whatever the subject might be.
When you are training others it is fundamental to success that you know how to listen and how to give feedback.
We will see how listening skills can be developed and how to give both positive and negative appraisal.
Presentation skills will be developed throughout the day and how important the use of respectful language is to group members.
We will look at the style and structure of listening and how to read body language effectively.
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