There are times when we all need a little help. We are primarily a voluntary organisation, serving the local community. Westmeria Counselling was established in 2003 to help people in need of support, with a particular emphasis on those suffering from depression. It is our aim to reverse the trend of reliance on anti-depressants. We are based in Bickley
There is a huge need for this work and any funding would assist us to help those in need. If there is any individuals or organisations you can help us reach we would appreciate it. This project will only happen with your support. Our team at Granville Consultancy provides constructive help for individuals, families, schools, businesses and organisations
I have interest and experience in supporting clients who have experienced all manner of emotional distress including complex family dynamics, trauma, anxiety, bereavement, panic, miscarriage, infertility, menopause, sexual abuse, shame, bullying, betrayal, separation, difficulty relating to others, dissociation, intrusive thoughts and hearing voices