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We work on all levels: subconscious, conscious, relationship, sexual, and the trans-personal. Whether you are working out how to save your marriage or trying to address the problems of communication or lack of confidence, or needing to work out what is holding you back or how to change your blocks, a few sessions can help you change how you feel. Better than talk therapy or low impact hypnosis, the Special HypnotherapyrTMS & integral Counselling offers you the most effective formulae for success.

Faster than any talk therapy, you can cure your depression in a few sessions of Hypnosis with Psychotherapy. I offer seminars for Communications, CPD trainings, as well as Counselling for Teens, Grown-ups individually and couples.
Hypnosis uses your subconscious mind, encourages you to energise your body, and engage your emotional brain to work with you, and not against you.
Integral Counselling or Psychotherapy (i-psych) uses rTMS a new technology involving magnetic stimulation which has been proven to change brain patterns.
This is a combined physical and psychological approach to changing your life.
Carolyn Clark has been counselling and using hypnotherapy for over thirty years.
She has specialised in relationships, communications, eating and weightloss, and addiction cessation, and psychosexual therapy, trauma and addictions, as well as the uplifting potential of spiritual development.
Hypnosis is a more efficient way of helping people work through their past failures or blocks to achieve the goals that they want for themselves.
You can let go of past by working through the problems that keep coming up by finding the solution and then deleting them from the memory.
Hypnosis combined with experienced couselling helps you permanently fix issues: Stop smoking, or lack of confidence, weight loss, fitness, depression or anxiety and insomnia have been quickly helped with a few sessions.
GUARANTEED money back if Carolyn is not successful.
Integral Counselling incorporating the specialist Hypnofix treatment.
It synchronizes the L and R hemispheres and optimizes your brain in a comprehensive approach benefitting the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual elements.
Your brain picks up information from your body, but mostly from your mind.
So if the mind has been filled with unpleasantries then your emotions will react to that, and controlling the reactions can be difficult to learn.
You can learn with meditation, and mental cleansing.
You can use rTMS to assist you in this process, and clean your own thoughts at home with a rTMShypnotherapy CD which helps heal the emotional-mental conditions which drugs don' really fix (or can make you worse!)
At Stanford University studies of hypnosis showed that you can overcome pain by controlling the responses in the brain.
Sometimes we have trouble being heard, and sometimes we have trouble listening.
Our communications need to be clear and honest before they are healthy.
It is helpful to have an outside perspective to assess what is happening in the communications of each individual or in a couple or family group.
Transaction Analysis assesses what is the underlying modality that people are communicting with.
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