North London Counselling
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North London Counselling
I am a UKCP-registered psychotherapist experienced at treating emotional and psychological issues. I divide my time between private practice and the NHS, where I am Prinicipal Psychotherapist for a large NHS Trust. The kind of therapy I practice rests on the interaction between people, as it develops in the therapy. It is a different experience every time as each person is as a unique individual.

Right now, I don't know who you are, or why you are reading this. I could make some guesses, though I am reluctant to do so without knowing anything about you and your circumstances. I'm probably on safe ground in guessing that you, or someone you know, needs help understanding or coping with something that is going on right now. If that is the case then I am sorry you or they are struggling.

I hope I can help. Therapy usually starts with an initial phone conversation or email exchange. You can give brief details of the issues that concern you. If you decide to book and appointment we will arrange a first meeting to assess your needs more fully.
Counselling is a talking therapy based on giving you a safe, confidential space to talk about your problems.
As an accredited counsellor based in Westminster, London, I listen to you and help you to find solutions that are relevant to you.
I'll listen without judgement or criticism and offer support to help you reach a clearer understanding of how your emotions and thought processes work.
Once this understanding is achieved, I can help you find solutions to your emotional difficulties and problematic behaviours that may lead to difficulties in your relationships with the people in your life.
Psychotherapy is based on practice and theory.
It aims to reach the underlying causes of distress.
In the safe setting of the therapy, which allows for taking risks, and in the exploration of the interactions with the therapist, you may discover a new awareness of the causes and effects of long-standing conflicts, and be able to change from behaviour that is destructive to a way of being that is more creative.
People seek therapy for many different reasons - usually when they are not happy with aspects of their lives.
The ideal situation for offering therapy or counselling is face to face, but there could be many reasons why this is not practical.
Maybe you want to have therapy but live too far away to reach me for the appointments or travel frequently for work.
Maybe you're housebound and can't get out.
Or maybe your emotional issues themselves are preventing a meeting in person, such as agoraphobia or distrust of unfamiliar settings.
In these cases, I can offer online therapy or counselling, whichever is suitable for your needs.
DIT is a time-limited (16 sessions) psychodynamic therapy that has been specifically developed for the treatment of mood disorders and interpersonal difficulties.
One of the main ideas worked within psychodynamic therapy is that when something is very painful we can find ourselves trying to ignore it.
Most of the time we know when we are doing this, but sometimes we can bury something so successfully that we lose sight of it completely.
This is why difficult experiences in the past can continue to affect the way we feel and behave in the present.
This a one-to-one talking therapy which attempts to explore and understand the relationships of early years, as well as the current situation.
It includes looking at the relationship as it happens in the consulting room.
Both conscious and unconscious processes are worked with during the treatment.
Individual psychotherapy aims to provide a therapeutic space where you can discover and develop a greater capacity to be self-reflective - to look more deeply upon your 'self' - explore personality and relationship issues and, in the process, construct new ways of understanding the problems you are encountering.
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