Solihull Bereavement Counselling Service
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Solihull Bereavement Counselling Service
Solihull Bereavement Counselling Service's aim is to provide a quality bereavement counselling service for people living or working in Solihull, through a dedicated team of professionals. This service is confidential, we work with individuals helping bereaved people to move on with their lives. The service conforms to guidelines set out by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP).
People who use the Service may have lost a baby or have experienced the death of a partner, parent, child, relation or colleague in many different circumstances.
The death may have been caused by illness, accident, suicide, murder, war or natural causes.
If you feel you might benefit from counselling please get in touch with us.
You will be offered an assessment appointment to talk about the bereavement you have experienced.
Clients who do not progress to counselling are either referred on to other agencies, or the clients themselves decide that one to one counselling is not what they wanted at the time of assessment.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for SBCS, and you have a Diploma in counselling or are studying on a Diploma course, please contact us on 0121 424 5103 to discuss this further.
Our specialist bereavement and grief training that all new potential volunteers must attend consists of four Saturdays, usually in November.
If you are interested in the work we do and would like to become a volunteer, please contact us to discuss our next available course.
Details of our 2020/2021 AGM will be announced in due course, please check back later for more details.
We do rely on the support of trusts, organisations, businesses and individual donations in order to be able to offer this service to our clients.
If you would like to make a donation no matter how small, please enclose a cheque made payable to Solihull Bereavement Counselling Service or you can make a BACS payment to account no.
If you suffer from any health problem which may present itself during a counselling session.
If you are taking any medication which may have side effects which may affect counselling, e.g.
If you are having any other form of counselling from your GP Surgery, CPN (Community Psychiatric Nurse) or another agency.
It could be confusing to receive support and/or advice from different people.
For confidentiality please let us know if another member of your family or a friend is receiving counselling from SBCS.
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