Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is a therapeutic approach which is based on how our thinking could affect how we feel and how we react or behave in certain situations and the effect of this on our daily lives. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy tends to focus on a specific issue which the client wishes to address in therapy, focusing on the present rather than
Susan Leigh is a Cheshire based author, columnist, counsellor and hypnotherapist with over twenty years experience assisting individual clients, corporate businesses and readers all over the world. She also is a regular expert guest on BBC radio and a prolific columnist for both national and international publications. Susan also provides a sensitive
Founded in 1975, CFC is committed to supporting the most vulnerable in society and to providing a hub for the entire community. Our colleagues exist as a framework of dedicated staff, including counsellors, group facilitators and trainers with a wide variety of specialist skills and are supported by a team of highly qualified clinical supervisors.