Patrick McCurry
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Patrick McCurry
My name is Patrick McCurry and I offer counselling/psychotherapy for individuals and couples. Are you struggling with something in your life which you have been unable to resolve yourself? This may be a relationship or sexual problem, anger issues, family problems, anxiety/depression or maybe just a feeling that something is missing in your life? Or perhaps you're a couple struggling with how to communicate better, the impact of a betrayal, or conflict over money, sex or children?

Instead of feeling like you're going round in circles and repeating the same mistakes, why don't you let counseling/therapy help you find new ways of responding to familiar problems?
I am a transpersonal counsellor and therapist.
What this means is that I take a holistic perspective of each client and the issue they are bringing.
As well as helping the individual deal with the problem they are struggling with, I help them explore what may be going on at an unconscious level.
In other words, we look at alleviating, or tackling, the surface 'symptom' while also addressing the 'cause'.
Sometimes counselling or therapy seeks only to eliminate the symptom, whether that be depression, anxiety, anger, addiction, jealousy or any number of problems.
I often use the words counselling and therapy interchangeably, although therapy is often longer term and may go to a deeper level than counselling.
Having counselling or therapy is about meeting regularly, usually weekly, with a trained counsellor/therapist, in order to work through problems or challenges in your life.
We live in an age where people often want hard evidence that something works, even though in the field of human experience, relationships and well-being it can be hard to objectively define, or measure, what a successful outcome is.
Are you someone whose schedule is so busy or unpredictable it's hard to commit to face-to-face sessions?
Or perhaps you'd like to work with me but live in a different geographical location?
Or you may have mobility issues that make it hard to travel.
Whether you're an individual or couple looking for therapy, or a counsellor looking for supervision, online sessions may be the way forward.
Working online offers many of the benefits of working face to face but with the added advantage of flexibility and not having to factor in time for travelling to and from sessions.
As a Psychosynthesis counsellor and therapist, when I work with you I aim to help you with the visible 'problem' you bring, while at the same time exploring what might be going on underneath.
The visible problem may be some form of addiction or compulsion, excessive anger, anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties or some other issue.
If you imagine that the symptom you come with is a bit like an iceberg - there is a visible part but there is also a bigger part under the surface.
Much of what we do in counselling and therapy is helping you understand yourself better and what it is that you want out of life.
I am a strong believer in the value of good supervision, for all counsellors and therapists.
Our role involves helping others and sometimes that can be challenging and we can neglect to also look after ourselves.
Having good supervision in place allows you to enjoy your work more, to feel there is someone you can turn to for support and encouragement, and to get a fresh perspective on the work you are doing.
It is a crucial part of ongoing self-development and learning.
The approach I take to supervision involves working with the supervisee in a mutual process, rather than me being the 'expert' and telling the supervisee what to do.
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