Chelmsford Counselling Foundation
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Chelmsford Counselling Foundation
People come to Chelmsford Counselling Foundation (CCF) for many reasons - for example as a result of depression, anxiety, loneliness, difficulty in facing life's circumstances or relationship difficulties. For some, memories about the past, painful events in the present or worries about the future may mean they cannot enjoy life or live it in the way they would wish.

The psychodynamic counselling that we offer at CCF can help you to understand how past experiences and current behaviour may be linked. It allows space to explore thoughts and feelings about yourself as an individual and in relationships with others, with someone trained to listen in a non-directive way. We are able to offer assessment sessions and ongoing counselling via telephone or video (using Zoom) to individual clients, and via Zoom only for couples.

Face-to-face counselling is also available at our premises in Chelmsford, in line with current Government guidelines. In order to access counselling with us you will need to contact us to arrange an initial assessment session, you will find more details about how to do this on our Counselling pages.
Chelmsford Counselling Foundation offers a confidential counselling service to individuals and couples aged 18 and over living in Chelmsford and the wider Essex area.
People from all backgrounds and areas of the community may find counselling helpful at particular times in their life.
People seek counselling for many different reasons.
They may be experiencing feelings of depression, isolation, anxiety or low self-esteem that keep them stuck in an uncomfortable place.
They may be facing a life-changing event, struggling with relationships, grief or anger, or feel unable to cope with the pressures and challenges of life.
Psychodynamic counselling aims to assist people to understand how past experiences and current behaviour may be connected, and allows space to explore feelings and thoughts about ourselves as individuals and how we relate to others.
Counselling offers a confidential and supportive service and the opportunity for change.
Regular sessions of 50 minutes are arranged, once weekly.
Counselling may be short-term or may extend over a longer period of time, depending on circumstances.
We offer an initial, 50 minute assessment session with one of our experienced counsellors, which gives us the chance to understand what you would like from counselling and for you to get a better idea of what we offer, and whether or not that is for you.
All counsellors at CCF work to the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy Ethical Framework for the Counselling Professions regarding the confidential nature of the counselling process and other matters of ethics and practice.
We have a team of counsellors ranging from those who are very experienced and BACP accredited through to trainees undergoing up to three years of clinical training.
If your counsellor is a trainee they will inform you of this at the first session.
All trainees have completed a minimum of two years theoretical training prior to seeing clients and have been carefully selected for clinical training by a team of in-house and external qualified professionals.
Chelmsford Counselling Foundation is experienced in providing counselling services to organisations for their employees in and around Essex.
This confidential service aims to support employees during difficult times, helping to enhance their performance in the workplace to the benefit of both the individual and the organisation.
The scheme provides short term counselling to assist employees in the identification and resolution of concerns such as personal or work related matters which may be impacting their performance at work.
Before we can confirm that we will be able to offer you counselling sessions, you will need to arrange an assessment session with one of our experienced counsellors.
CCF operates an appointment system only for initial assessments which can be booked by calling 01245 284890.
A member of our admin team will answer calls between 10am and 3pm on weekdays.
At other times, messages can be left on an answerphone and will be dealt with as soon as possible.
Assessment session times are available on different days and times throughout the week, including evenings, and our admin team will be able to advise you of current availability when you call.
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