Best Counsellors in Brentwood

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I have worked as a counsellor in the NHS and private practice settings for more than15 years. During this time I have worked across a number of specialties and with a wide variety of clients of different ages, cultures, religions and orientations. I have employed different approaches to therapy to provide bespoke interventions and programmes for the
I would like to congratulate you on having the courage to take this step in looking after your 'Emotional Well-being' and mental health and not suffering alone. We can work together on a treatment plan that suits your needs so you can develop new skills, become self-disciplined and highly motivated to change painful feelings and experiences. We connect
Depression is probably one of the most common problems that people come and see me for. The symptoms of depression can range from feeling a little low to being so debilitating that you cannot function on a day to day basis. If someone is so depressed that they cannot function, anti-depressants will help. However, anti-depressants will not address the
HBBS is a local 'not for profit' organisation which was founded in 1989. We offer a professional and confidential counselling service to local adults, young people and children. In the first instance our work was primarily addressing issues relating to bereavement but over the years we have diversified our work in response to the needs of local people
If life sometimes makes you feel as if you are climbing a mountain but making little or no progress, then Counselling may help you to climb that mountain one step at a time. You may be wondering how counselling can possibly help you in the situation that you face. Counselling may not be able to change your actual circumstances, but counselling can definitely