The Change Project
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The Change Project
Our charity has been delivering Respect accredited domestic violence perpetrator programmes since 2009. Through the behavioural change of the abuser we aim to increase the well-being of people who are, or have been, living with conflict or domestic violence & abuse. We provide counselling to promote well being by enabling people to have healthy relationships in families, between individuals, and in the community.

We address sexual problems through counselling and psychosexual therapy covering all aspects of intimate relationships. We enable young people to develop healthy balanced relationships in later life through a range of therapeutic services, drama based workshops in schools. We deliver training to professionals and the wider public about relationships in conflict.

We thought we weren't able to afford counselling, but because we were offered free sessions, our excellent counsellor saved our marriage. I just wanted to say a big thank you. My last day was really quite emotional. It was a long course but I honestly leave with a hugely positive feeling and I feel I have learnt a lot from you.
We're committed to preventing conflict in relationships whatever form that takes.
It could be a parent experiencing aggressive behaviour from a child, a partner experiencing controlling and abusive behaviour, or a couple having arguments and fights.
Whatever your age, background or sexual orientation we can help you resolve the problems in your relationships.
We believe that our Ethics are the cornerstone of our organisation and are reflected in our everyday behaviour and actions.
Acting responsibly toward the communities in which we work and for the benefit of the communities that we serve;.
Our Healthy Relationship teams bring a range of different specialist qualifications depending on the service they deliver.
Our counsellors and sex therapists adhere to the BACP Ethical Framework for the Counselling Professions, and to the standards laid down by the College of Relationship and Sexual Therapists and the Association of Family Therapists.
The Change Project is the trading name of The Change Portfolio: Company Number 3167701 and Charity Number 1053948.
The Change Project believes that relationships are central to our wellbeing and sense of happiness.
When relationships go wrong we feel bad and it affects our work, our families, our friends and most of all ourselves.
The Change Project works across the spectrum of relationship issues directly with people who come to us and with professional organisations that use our services for their clients.
Our range of award winning Domestic Abuse Prevention services are designed to reduce the harm domestic abuse causes to victims, children and the wider community.
Change delivers community based Respect accredited domestic violence perpetrator programmes which include a dedicated Integrated Support Service for victims of domestic abuse and their children.
Our programmes are for men, women, and those within same sex relationships, who want to stop being abusive towards intimate partners.
Control and restrict activity and travel, who's seen, what's watched or read, limit or discourage outside communication.
Encourage children to take sides, stir feelings of guilt about the children, use child contact as an opportunity to harass.
Change Plus is a 12 hour domestic abuse awareness course.
It is an early intervention project that helps to enable perpetrators of abuse to recognise their behaviour is abusive.
Divert domestic abuse offenders away from the criminal justice system by providing alternative, proportionate, effective and targeted interventions to reduce the risk of reoffending.
Enable perpetrators to recognise they have been violent, coercive or controlling and consider changing their behaviour.
Reduce the potential for reoffending through early identification of risk leading to a swift, proportionate and effective criminal justice response.
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