Banish The Crows
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Banish The Crows
I was born in 1963 and grew up in South Cheshire, and later North Staffordshire. I am openly gay in my professional as well as my personal life and hold progressive views about life and our identities, promoting a liberal, positive view of difference and diversity in our society and our cultures.

My approach to counselling and psychotherapy is LGBTQ affirmative, which means that I will fully accept your sexual and gender identity - whatever it may be or however you or somebody else might describe it, and do not view these essential parts of who you are as characteristics that need treating or changing.My social values are typically egalitarian - I believe in democracy, fairness, and equality, and my characteristic approach to being with other people is co-operative and co-productive.

That is to say, I believe we can all play a part in helping each other to shape a different and better future for ourselves, and for everyone in our communities. I would describe myself as a 'localist'. Aside from localist political imperatives, I believe in supporting local initiatives and communities - finding reasons to proud of the place in which I/we live; our local heritage, and locating meaning in our changed social demographic.
Banish the Crows offers counselling and psychotherapeutic services that are not typically defined or limited by psychiatric or other medical diagnoses.
That is to say, we work with and prize the person and not the label.
We offer short-term counselling therapy, longer-term psychotherapy, and existential coaching - an attitude and method of working designed to assist clients in responding dynamically to the dilemmas of living and working towards a changed or different existence.
The existential precept being that our identity isn't fixed and instead we become who we are through the choices we make in life.
I have over twenty five years' experience of working with emotional, psychological and mental health and wellbeing.
I have worked in a variety of roles in a range of settings but my commitment and passion for 'the person' has always been a consistent factor.
During this time I have led on clinical quality and clinical effectiveness, as well as developing care systems in a National Health Service (NHS) setting.
Some of this work has been collaborative, at a national level, as well as local, in the Staffordshire area.
Whilst my principal interest is in people and how all of us live and relate to each other - in approaching living and dying and how we live, I do have a particular interest in personality development, identity and outsider-ness, as well as behaviours that communicate our disaffection and distress - the unease that we experience within ourselves, such as when we make unwise or risky choices with our health and well-being.
These behaviours are commonly referred to as self-harm or self-injury, which sometimes extend to parasuicidal or indeed, suicidal acts with serious intent.
At Banish the Crows the person will always be recognised as the sole focus and the most important element in the therapeutic process.
My commitment and passion for 'good mental health for all' is longstanding.
Establishing Banish the Crows in 2017 is a personal highlight after a lengthy and credible career working in various organisations.
My aspiration in creating Banish the Crows is to work directly for the person sitting in front of me, rather than through an organisation and their many protocols, policies, and procedures.
I qualified as an integrative psychotherapist in 2017.
My formal studies spanned four years and were completed at Staffordshire University.
My qualification is a postgraduate diploma in psychotherapeutic counselling.
I was awarded a Professional Distinction overall and my academic tutors awarded me Best Student Performance in my first and final years of training.
As part of my training and portfolio submission I have provided extensive counselling psychotherapy through an NHS placement in North Staffordshire (2015 - 2017).
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