Dr. Kevin Burrows BACP Accredited PSA Registered Counsellor/Psychotherapist, Supervisor and Expressive Arts Therapist (REACE) in Southend SS0, SS9 and SS2. BACP Accredited Counsellor offers Clients a confidential, sensitive and professional Counselling service in the Southend, Westcliff, Leigh, and surrounding areas of South East Essex.

Working within an integrative approach with the talking and visual therapies that meet Clients needs: Stress and anxiety, Work related Stress, Bereavement, Relationships, Life changes, Self esteem, Special needs and other life decision issues.BACP Accreditation and MBACP Accredited Counsellor means that this practice has been deemed by the British association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists (BACP) to meet the standard for a competent, ethical and independant practitioner.

CBT was developed by Albert Ellis and Aaron T Beck and works with the concept that our thinking feeling and behaviour are interlinked (CBT) can quickly empower clients to rationalise the activating thoughts, beliefs and consequences which affect our lives and issues.
2007 (ongoing) Anglia Ruskin University, PHD Education research "How creative & natural environments meet special educational and therapeutic needs".
Attended 'Lanscapes of the Mind' Does our mental health depend on our relationship with the natural world?
Integrating aspects of Transactional Analysis, Art Therapy and Inner child work into Creative Journaling.
Hampshire Park Place Pastoral Centre 3 day residential Facilitator Ann Beazer.
Experiential workshop and discussion group concerned with Ancient sacred cosmology, nature, life force and destiny through shamanic consciousness, in 21st century world.
I have worked with people aged from 5 to 45 who have autism for over 10 years using counselling skills.
As Counsellor I have experience in NHS counselling therapist role and have my own private practice where I work with both neurotypical people and people who have autism, aspergers and ASD's, their carers and couple work with an ASD + Neurotypical couples.
I can work with individuals or siblings family members or carers.
I have witnessed what I perceive as anxiety stress, disassociation, misconceoption, bewilderment and fragmented perception in my work with people who have autism.
My Seaforth road practice is designed to work with talking and person centred art therapies for face to face, group and couples work.
The comfortable surroundings evoke a therapeutic environment for face to face talking therapies.
There are opportunities for clients to work in an ecotherapy way, where our relationship with nature reflects our own relational behavioural and psychological state.
There are spaces for inner worlds to become manifest in the two or three dimensional expressive arts.
And for relationships and patterns of behaviour to be realised, investigated or reconsidered using figures in the sand tray.
All art materials provided.
Here I could tell visitors about new additions to my site so they'll be sure to see my most recent pictures and information.
The workshop will cost J50 and is limited to 10 places on each day.
If demand is high other dates will be added.
Expressive Arts Therapy is based on the teachings of Paolo Knill and Shaun McNiff.
Through inter-modally connecting sensate neural material in a continual link between all of the Arts: visual/tactile, dance/ movement and aural/ musical / story.
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