Sarah Freed Counselling & Psychotherapy
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Sarah Freed Counselling & Psychotherapy
Hello, I'm Sarah Freed and I have been a practising therapist for over 15 years, originally within an NHS setting and now in private practice. My ethos is that healing can come in many shapes and forms, depending on the individual. I incorporate creative activities into my talking therapy to aid the healing process at a deeper, more sub-conscious level.

You don't need to be 'good at art'. Creativity encourages us to 'play' and explore, important aspects of being human, which often are forgotten in adulthood. Eight years ago, I began writing poetry and have found it a wonderful outlet for expressing my emotions. I have since published two poetry books and continue to write poems all the time. I have worked with lots of people who have found their own voice, in their own way, and learnt to express whatever it is they needed to say.

Photography is also a passion of mine and I am hugely influenced by the natural world. I work within a framework that encourages wellbeing at every level - emotional, physical, spiritual and mental (or the mind).
Do you feel that life's responsibilities, demands and expectations overwhelm you at times?
Have you been going through the motions, holding it all together but feeling unhappy or unfilled?
Has something happened to effect the status quo of your life and you feel it would be valuable to take some time out to address it or explore it?
Are you at a crossroads in your life?
Do you just need someone to talk to who is not connected to your life?
Whatever challenge you face at the moment, therapy could help you take a fresh look at what has been, what is and what is to come.
I started writing poetry about eight years ago, having never done it before.
Words began bubbling up from my subconscious and forming themselves into poems.
A word comes first which becomes the title and, from that, the poem really writes itself.
It's quite magical in a way, but then I believe this is often how creativity works, whatever the medium.
Whether it's a song lyric or piece of music; a literary piece, a sculpture, a dance, artwork.
I have come to see them as my soul speaking and I have learned to listen to their wisdom.
My Transpersonal approach to working with couples can offer powerful methods which QUICKLY and EFFECTIVELY access the core reasons for the problems you may be experiencing.
You will learn TOOLS to use on a daily basis to improve and sustain a healthy relationship.
This is not simply a 'quick fix'.
So many couples are finding this approach hugely beneficial.
Whatever the reason your relationship is struggling, please get in touch to discuss what might be possible.
And remember, even if you can't persuade your partner to attend, we may still be able to work effectively together.
We all have the capacity to be creative.
Some people may be more connected to their creativty, but we all have the potential - it is an innate quality of human beings.
Of course, we may have been told we are no good at art (usually at school, by parents or peers) and this is what we believe about ourselves.
But, Creative Arts Therapy is not about how good you are at drawing or creating works of art.
It is form of expression; for whatever needs to be expressed.
It helps us learn to let go.
My belief is that therapists, like all human beings, are constantly changing and evolving.
The nature of our work requires us to be flexible and adaptable and, for me, it is very healthy to review regularly the support you receive from your supervision arrangement.
Each supervisor is unique and can offer a fresh perspective.
Are you at a point where you recognise it might be valuable to review your supervision?
To my mind, supervision is a specialised form of mentoring; a collaborative working alliance between two professionals, in which we both have responsibilities.
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