Best Counsellors in Christchurch

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We are a network based in Highcliffe near Christchurch, working to transform the futures of those seeking a more healthy, balanced and rewarding life. Using Coaching, Counselling or Psychotherapy, we help you take those important first steps towards the goals you want to achieve in life. We also provide counselling for businesses, for those looking
I am an experienced psychodynamic psychotherapist accredited by the British Psychoanalytic Council (BPC) and the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) with over 10 years experience in agencies, organisations, and private practice. Psychotherapy can change your life. Talking to someone independent can really help you work out what
Supervision is an integral aspect of counselling and psychotherapy practice. It has to be engaged in for amount of hours required by your accrediting body/member organisation and the amount needed increases if you are a successful therapist with many clients and a demanding or challenging case load. So the supervisory relationship itself is at the core