We all experience stresses and strains in the course of everyday living, and most of the time, one way or another, we cope. But there are times when troubles seem overwhelming, and at such times talking to a professional therapist can be the best solution. For those who have hit a tricky patch in an otherwise satisfying life, counselling focuses primarily on current difficulties and the strengths and strategies we have to overcome them.
For others, whose problems are more deep-seated, complex or enduring, psychotherapy offers longer term support and typically involves looking into childhood and personal history, exploring the unconscious using methods such as active imagination, dreamwork and focusing. Hypnotherapy brings about swift beneficial changes using suggestions that are tailor-made to individual need and employing the latest hypnotic techniques.
Transpersonal psychotherapy recognises the spiritual dimension of our lives and is concerned not only with the 'breakdown and repair' of ordinary functioning but with our potential for transcendence.
For others, whose problems are more deep-seated, complex or enduring, psychotherapy offers longer term support and typically involves looking into childhood and personal history, exploring the unconscious using methods such as active imagination, dreamwork and focusing. Hypnotherapy brings about swift beneficial changes using suggestions that are tailor-made to individual need and employing the latest hypnotic techniques.
Transpersonal psychotherapy recognises the spiritual dimension of our lives and is concerned not only with the 'breakdown and repair' of ordinary functioning but with our potential for transcendence.
Counselling offers you a safe, private space to talk through your problems in confidence, without being judged, allowing you to explore your life, your relationships and your feelings in a way that is rarely possible with family and friends.
A counsellor does not give advice or tell you what to do but helps you to find your own best way through your difficulties.
A counsellor does not give advice or tell you what to do but helps you to find your own best way through your difficulties.
The terms 'psychotherapy' and 'counselling' are sometimes used interchangeably but, while the two disciplines certainly overlap, there is a general understanding that psychotherapy refers to work that is more in-depth and able to deal with more complex problems.
Such problems may be long-term, stemming from early on in life, or may occur where current experience has triggered deeper, earlier insecurities.
In addressing such difficulties it is often necessary to look into childhood and personal history, and methods such as focusing, active imagination, dream work, guided meditation and regressive techniques may be used to facilitate this exploration.
Such problems may be long-term, stemming from early on in life, or may occur where current experience has triggered deeper, earlier insecurities.
In addressing such difficulties it is often necessary to look into childhood and personal history, and methods such as focusing, active imagination, dream work, guided meditation and regressive techniques may be used to facilitate this exploration.
Hypnotherapy is the therapeutic use of hypnosis, in which the critical, conscious mind steps to the side, allowing access to the more receptive, unconscious mind.
Hypnosis uses our natural tendency to shift in and out of different states of consciousness: we all do so throughout the day without usually giving it much thought, for instance when we fall asleep or wake up, when we become 'lost' in a book or a film, when we suddenly realise we have covered the last few miles of a journey 'on automatic', or when we are so happy that time seems to pass without our noticing.
Hypnosis uses our natural tendency to shift in and out of different states of consciousness: we all do so throughout the day without usually giving it much thought, for instance when we fall asleep or wake up, when we become 'lost' in a book or a film, when we suddenly realise we have covered the last few miles of a journey 'on automatic', or when we are so happy that time seems to pass without our noticing.
Transpersonal psychotherapy emphasises the spiritual, transcendent aspect of our lives and is concerned not only with restoring healthy functioning to the ego, but with moving beyond the ego to explore the full potential of the human condition.
The transpersonal approach sets developments in modern psychology alongside the wisdom of the world's spiritual traditions, cultivated over thousands of years.
Creativity, peak experiences, psychic and mystical events are seen as a natural part of our self-development to be integrated into our everyday lives.
The transpersonal approach sets developments in modern psychology alongside the wisdom of the world's spiritual traditions, cultivated over thousands of years.
Creativity, peak experiences, psychic and mystical events are seen as a natural part of our self-development to be integrated into our everyday lives.
Every client has a different experience of psychotherapy because every client is a unique individual with unique problems.
Psychotherapists, too, differ in their training and orientation and it is important to find a therapist who works in a way that works for you.
Many clients have found that the current NHS 'one size fits all', Cognitive-Behavioural approach is inadequate or unhelpful, or sometimes even exacerbates problems.
My own approach is based on a comprehensive exploration of the major theoretical schools and training in a number of disciplines (including, but not limited to or by CB).
Psychotherapists, too, differ in their training and orientation and it is important to find a therapist who works in a way that works for you.
Many clients have found that the current NHS 'one size fits all', Cognitive-Behavioural approach is inadequate or unhelpful, or sometimes even exacerbates problems.
My own approach is based on a comprehensive exploration of the major theoretical schools and training in a number of disciplines (including, but not limited to or by CB).
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