Best Counsellors in Newbury

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We are offering therapy sessions face-to-face and online/phone (we currently have a waiting list for our counselling services). Call (please leave a voicemail) or email and our professional counsellor, Mel Dundas, will contact you in confidence by the next working day to discuss your requirements. Almost all of our therapists are currently working remotely
Everyone has mental health & just like physical health it changes from day to day & many things can affect our mental/emotional health. It is estimated that 3/4 of medically diagnosable mental health conditions emerge by the age of 24. Emotional difficulties such as anxiety & depression have become the most prevalent type of mental health condition
Modern living takes its toll and while we hope that we will be able to cope when we feel low, anxious or distressed, either by ourselves or with the help of family and friends, sometimes it's just not enough. Counselling is a way to identify and remove the blocks that stop you from achieving your potential and becoming who you really are. As a qualified
We all experience stresses and strains in the course of everyday living, and most of the time, one way or another, we cope. But there are times when troubles seem overwhelming, and at such times talking to a professional therapist can be the best solution. For those who have hit a tricky patch in an otherwise satisfying life, counselling focuses primarily
Hi, my name is Sonia Willmot and I have been Counselling and Coaching people in West Berkshire, on many varied issues, for some years now. Clients I work with come from the surrounding villages in Hungerford, Newbury, Thatcham, Reading and much further afield too. Low self-esteem, feelings of worthlessness, Anxiety, Stress, Loss, Depression, OCD and