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You can't appreciate the Rainbow without the Rain - let Rainbow Counselling help you find your True Colours. Sheila is a fully Accredited BACP Counsellor with many years psychotherapy experience. She is also an Advanced Practitioner in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Engergy Therapy including Matrix Reimprinting. Sheila is a certified practitioner
I hope you find my website interesting and helpful. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to get in touch, or you have any queries about counselling or my Talking Therapy services. I am based at "The Salisbury Practice" in Salisbury, Wiltshire. To help the NHS and maintain social distancing, I am currently working remotely via Zoom and telephone
I am a Relationship Therapist and Couples Counsellor working with both couples and individuals Online. Healthy connections to others and to ourselves are vital to our wellbeing - relationships are where we are wounded and are also where we heal and grow. When we recognise our own reactions and feelings, we can take care of our own growth and find ourselves
My belief is that people are essentially good and we all have an ability to grow emotionally, solve our problems and achieve our potential. When things go wrong in our lives our "logical mind" goes into "catastrophe mode" and we experience negative thoughts that make us feel stuck, under-confident, frustrated and worried about the future (i.e: sad,
I have worked in the NHS for 16 years - fourteen as a practice counsellor in a local GP practice and two as a supervisor of other therapists in a Community Mental Health team. I also worked in Relate for fourteen years. Prior to all that I trained as a Mental health social worker, and taught in Wormwood Scrubs prison. In 1998, I set up in a private
I offer a range of socially distanced therapy-counselling and peer supervision: nationwide online with Zoom, FaceTime or Skype, by Phone, or face to face during a distanced countryside walk and or within a quiet private garden. We come for therapy because we want to make changes in our life, to understand and to be understood. I will give you care and
We at The Centre are making every effort to make the building as clean and germ free as possible. Because of the difficult situation we all face, we cannot guarantee it to be a totally sterile environment. We leave the choice with you to decide with your therapist, what are the best arrangements for you. We are offering qualified Counsellors, Psychotherapists
Please take your time to look around my website and get a feel of what sort of therapy I offer. I am an experienced and fully accredited Psychodynamic Psychotherapist and Group Analyst. I practice from comfortable and welcoming consulting rooms in central Salisbury. I follow a strict code of ethics and would like to assure you that I practice in a safe
Sometimes it can hard to deal with some of the challenges that happen in life and we can lose a sense of who we are. Perhaps you are living with a recent or past loss, trauma or relationship difficulties, or you are feeling anxious and stressed. Together we can gently turn towards your feelings and explore your needs in a safe and professional therapeutic
Maybe you're struggling to manage following a traumatic event in your life; bereavement, end of a relationship or an accident. Or perhaps something that on the face of it is positive is not quite feeling as you imagined; a new job, relationship or child. Some people seek help following a mental health diagnosis from their GP; anxiety, depression, panic